What’s In Your Vape? Vaping and Teenagers Webinar Thursday 14th Nov

There is a free webinar taking place this Thursday the 14th of November at 8pm called What’s In Your Vape? The webinar will be looking at the current levels of […]
Sleep For Teens Webinar

PCH Parents Association have informed us of a free webinar taking place this Wednesday the 13th of November at 7pm called The Importance Of Sleep For Our Teenagers. The main […]
Annaghdown crowned Connaught Intermediate Champions.

The Galway side will play the All-Ireland Quarter-Final in either Liverpool or Edinburgh depending on result of the All-Britain Final.
No Posters Please.

This is a polite reminder to all general election candidates that we would like to keep Headford town free from all canvassing posters. Also can anyone posting in the Headford […]