Have you got your Christmas Diary at the ready? OK, take a deep breath, here goes…
On Sunday December 1st Santa visits Pot Luck on Main St. from 12 to 4pm, the cost of a visit is €10.
Presentation College Headford present ‘Star Struck ‘24’ a variety show, on Wednesday 4th and Thursday 5th of December, at the school.
Headford and District Association will be hosting a small celebration for the lighting of the town’s Christmas Lights at the Square on Friday 6th December at 5pm.
Headford Music Works present An Afternoon of Tunes and Songs for Chantelle, a fundraiser, from 3pm on Saturday December 7th, at St. Fursa’s Parish Hall.
On Sunday December 8th both Campbell’s Tavern in Cloughanover and Kilcoona National School host craft fairs from 12pm – Headford’s a very creative community, and there are always some unusual gifts to be found!
Kilcoona Social Centre are hosting a Children’s Disco on Friday, December 13th, Junior disco is at 6pm, and senior disco from 8pm, tickets are €5, and you can find a link to them on the Centre’s social media.
Santa will be visiting Headford again on Saturday December 14th, and will be at Milky Way Play Space for the whole day!
Headford Music Works are back in action again on Saturday December 14th, with a second Fundraiser, this time in support of Ability West, and Solas Family Resource Centre, at Presentation College Study Hall.
Around this time, the lovely folk at Campbell’s Tavern host a lighting of their own Christmas Tree. Throw in a few songs, and it’s a lovely family occasion- their date has yet to be confirmed so keep an eye on their social media too!
To finish out the season, Headford and District Association will hold their annual Wren Walk on Sandybanks Lane at 11am on Stephen’s Day, Thursday 26th of December, and later on, at Moyne Villa FC there’ll be a charity soccer match in aid of Solas FRC.
Locals might also want to know that Headford and District Association are currently raising funds through sales of their annual calendars, featuring photos of scenic Headford. They cost €10 and the proceeds will go directly to the organisation towards the upkeep of the Christmas Lights, the St. Patrick’s Day parade and various other activities.
Headford Lace Project are selling Christmas Cards to help support their work, €5 for a pack of 4, available locally.
Keep an eye out for more colourful magic from Headford Yarnbombers as they work on the town’s Christmas Trees and their Christmas installations. The group do so much to brighten the place all year round through their season decorations.
The Ensemble Academy of Dramatic Arts (EADA)are presenting a children’s pantomime, ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs‘ on Sunday 12th January at 3pm & 6pm, in St. Fursa’s Parish Hall.
After all that, you may well need a nap!
Did we leave anything out? Send us the details and we will include it here. Contact us at headfordsubmissions@gmail.com
He’s coming to Pot Luck, that’ll be nice!