Headford Community Games Art Handwriting and Model Making is next Sunday 14th April in PCH Gym!!!
All details as follows:
Art Handwriting and Modelmaking Area Competition
Where : PCH GYM Eircode H91 D516
When : Sunday 14th April
Register from 3.30 pm
Competition commencing 4pm sharp
Categories (separate event for boys and girls running concurrently)
4.00 pm to 5.00 pm
U8 Art
U10 & U12 Handwriting
4.00 pm to 7.00 pm
U10 U12 U14 Art & Modelmaking
Adjudication and medals presentation on the night.
Notes for Participants
Art Competitors β They will need to bring their own paper and Art Supplies
Handwriting Competitors β Handwriting paper will be made available but they will need to bring their own pen / pencil
Model Making Competitors β Will need to bring their own unprepared art supplies. They are also requested to bring a cover to protect the surface of the desk that will be utilising for the competition.
Rainbows Ireland β Supporting Children and Young People with Bereavement and Parental Separation The Rainbows programme is starting in Solas Family Resource Centre in February 2025. It is group
Glencorrib Kilroe Community Development presents a NIGHT OF CULTURE Friday 17th January 2025 Starts 7.30 p.m. Sharp In Glencorrib Hall Including local talent with Special Guest Matt Cunningham and Friends