Come to the Headford Online official launch at 7:30pm, Thurs 14th December in Campbell’s Tavern. Read More

Humanitarian Assistance Fund

This evening Minister Dara Calleary TD visited the Emergency Response Hub at Moyne Villa FC to discuss the  which is now open.

This fund has two strands:

1. For people who have had damage to their house which has caused damage to food, bedding, furniture. It is not means tested. Please engage with the community welfare officer for food, heat or expenses like that. Do not be hungry, do not be cold, Community welfare team are there to help.

2. For structure damage to your house or property, which is limited at €50,000 for a single person or €90,000 for a married couple with additional allowances for dependent children. This will assist with overall expenses in terms of infrastructure.
People are also advised to engage with insurance companies, engage with local community welfare team or

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Men On The Move

There will be an information night on Thursday 6th of February in Donaghpatrick National School, Caherlistrane (H91 W3Y6). All adult men from the area or local areas welcome to attend.

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